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Bass News for October 2024

Writer's picture: The Elders of Bass ChapelThe Elders of Bass Chapel

Pastor Dave started teaching through Romans on Wednesdays and during Sunday School. Join us for Sunday School and for Wednesday worship. You can catch the first two chapters on the Bass Chapel YouTube channel, and join in the fellowship during these teaching sessions as we move into chapter 3. He has also been preaching through Job. You won't want to miss these sermons, as we will see God's response to Job in the coming weeks.


Lee has been sharing the Things Unseen podcast with Sinclair Ferguson.  This is a great resource, and only takes about 5-7 minutes each day.

As Justin has filled the pulpit, he has been working through 2 Corinthians. Check out previous sermons under the "2 Corinthians" playlist on YouTube.


Spurgeon’s Catechism Questions for October


  • Week of 10/6/24

    • Q16

    • Into what condition did the fall bring humanity?

    • The fall brought humanity into a state of sin and misery.

  • Week of 10/13/24

    • Q17

    • What is included in the sinful life into which humanity has fallen?

    • The sinful life into which humanity has fallen, consists of the guilt of Adam's first sin, the lack of original righteousness, and the corruption of their whole nature, which is generally called original sin, together with all actual sins that proceed from it.

  • Week of 10/20/24

    • Q18

    • What unhappiness resulted from humanity's fall?

    • By their fall, all humanity lost fellowship with God, are under His wrath and curse, are responsible for all their unhappiness in this life, for death itself, and for all the pains of hell forever.

  • Week of 10/27/24

    • Q19

    • Did God leave all humanity to suffer death in their state of sin and hopelessness?

    • God, having only from His good pleasure from eternity past, elected some to everlasting life, entered into a covenant of grace to deliver them from their state of sin and hopelessness and bring them into a state of salvation by a Redeemer.



  • 11/2/24: Deeply Rooted Debate will be at Westminster PCA in Kingsport. Join us at 9am on Saturday, November 2 as Steven Warhurst of Westminster and Damon Joseph of Christ Bible Church will debate the topic of infant baptism.

  • 11/8-9/24: Deeply Rooted Conference will address the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit at our third annual conference. Join Pastor Dave and many other speakers. Register now at


Ambassador Evangelism at Randall’s Restaurant in Church Hill: We would love for you to join us. Even if you haven’t done the reading, come for fellowship. All are invited. Dates and times are tentative. See Justin or follow Ambassador Evangelism on social media for updates. This new book is a wonderful dialogue between a pastor and a church member who has doubts about her salvation. If you'd like a copy of the book, contact Justin.

  • 10/5/24 @ 8am: The Pearl of Christian Comfort by Petrus Dathenus, part 1

  • 10/26/24 @ 8am: The Pearl of Christian Comfort by Petrus Dathenus, part 2

AmBASSador Radio is the official podcast of Bass Chapel. Be sure to listen, subscribe, & share. AmBASSador Radio is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. Episodes are released weekly, and include Ambassador Evangelism sessions, Bible teaching, current events, theology and more. Occasionally, you may hear Pastor Dave join Justin on an episode.


Standard Schedule for Service

  • Sunday School 10am

  • Lord’s Day Worship 11am

    • Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month

  • Sunday Evening Worship 6pm (except the last Sunday of each month when we have fellowship meal directly after morning worship)

  • Wednesday 6pm

Blessed be the LORD!

For He has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. ~Psalm 28:6 ESV

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