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Bass News for February 2025

For the Law was given through Moses;

grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. ~John 1:17 NASB 95

Pastor Dave began preaching through The Gospel According to John during Lord's Day morning worship. You will be blessed to learn of the Savior you worship. He has also been teaching through Romans on Wednesdays and during Sunday School. Join us for Sunday School and for Wednesday worship. You can catch the first eight and a half chapters on the Bass Chapel YouTube channel, and join in the fellowship during these teaching sessions as we move through chapter 9. There is also a ladies class that meets on Wednesdays and during Sunday School.


Lee has been sharing the Things Unseen podcast with Sinclair Ferguson, as well as some other sermon videos.  This is a great resource, and only takes about 5-7 minutes each day. There is also a new devotional from Ligonier with the same title. Thanks to Lee for keeping Christ ever before us.

Justin has some copies of Jesus and Cancer by Mike Abendroth. If you know someone who would benefit from this short book, let him know. Jesus and Cancer is a condensed version of Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd, which each Bass Chapel family received back in the first quarter of 2024.


Spurgeon’s Catechism Questions for February

  • Week of 2/2/25

    • Q33

    • What is adoption?

    • Adoption is an act of God's free grace, where we are received into the family of God, and, as His children, have a right to all the privileges of family members.

  • Week of 2/9/25

    • Q34

    • What is sanctification?

    • Sanctification is the work of God's Spirit, where we are made new again in the image of God, made able to die to sin more and more, and live a holier life.

  • Week of 2/16/25

    • Q35

    • What are the benefits in this life that flow or result from justification, adoption, and sanctification?

    • The benefits in this life that flow or result from justification, adoption, and sanctification, are assurance of God's love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Spirit, and increase in grace; all of which continue to the end.

  • Week of 2/23/25

    • Q36

    • What benefits do believers receive from Christ when they die?

    • The souls of believers are made perfect at their death and are immediately in heaven with the Lord, and their bodies, being still one with Christ, rest in their graves until the resurrection.



  • Look for updates on the Bass Chapel facebook page. Also look for upcoming Deeply Rooted events.


Ambassador Evangelism 

 We would love for you to join us. Even if you haven’t done the reading, come for fellowship. All are invited. Dates and times are tentative. See Justin or follow Ambassador Evangelism on social media for updates. This book, The Pearl of Christian Comfort by Petrus Dathenus, is a wonderful dialogue between a pastor and a church member who has doubts about her salvation. If you'd like a copy of the book, contact Justin. We are a little over halfway through The Pearl, and plan to begin The Missionary Fellowship of William Carey by Michael Haykin next.

  • 2/1/25 at 10am at Randall's Restaurant in Church Hill.

  • 2/8/25 at 10am at Randall's Restaurant in Church Hill.

AmBASSador Radio is the official podcast of Bass Chapel. Be sure to listen, subscribe, & share. AmBASSador Radio is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. Episodes are released weekly, and include Ambassador Evangelism sessions, Bible teaching, current events, theology and more. Occasionally, you may hear Pastor Dave join Justin on an episode. Recent episodes have been on Surrender and when people claim to be Christians but don't actually believe what the Bible teaches.


Standard Schedule for Service

  • Sunday School 10am

  • Lord’s Day Worship 11am

    • Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month

  • Sunday Evening Worship 6pm (except the last Sunday of each month when we have fellowship meal directly after morning worship)

  • Wednesday 6pm

1 Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause

against an ungodly people,

from the deceitful and unjust man

deliver me!

2 For you are the God in whom I take refuge;

why have you rejected me?

Why do I go about mourning

because of the oppression of the enemy?

3 Send out your light and your truth;

let them lead me;

let them bring me to your holy hill

and to your dwelling!

4 Then I will go to the altar of God,

to God my exceeding joy,

and I will praise you with the lyre,

O God, my God.

5 Why are you cast down, O my soul,

and why are you in turmoil within me?

Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,

my salvation and my God. ~Psalm 43 ESV

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